University of Ferrara Italy Scholarships 2024

University of Ferrara Italy Scholarships 2024

The University of Ferrara, a prestigious public university in Italy, is currently providing fully funded scholarships for international students across a wide range of programs including Bachelors, Masters, and Doctorate programs. Moreover, these scholarships present an exceptional opportunity for students from around the world to pursue their academic goals at an institution like the University of Ferrara.

  • Public University in Italy
  • Founded on March 4, 1391, by Marquis Alberto V D’Este.
  • Initially offered courses in law, arts, and theology.
  • Became a free university after Italian unification, offering faculties like Law, Mathematics, Medicine, Veterinary Medicine (abolished in 1876), Pharmacy, and Notary Schools.
  • Post-World War II, it received state support, leading to the expansion of faculties and research departments.
  • Significant growth occurred under Prof. Antonio Rossi’s leadership in the 1970s and 1980s.
  • Notable instructors include Giovanni Bianchini, professor of astronomy, and Cesare Cremonini, professor of natural philosophy.

University of Ferrara

Eligibility Criteria

  • All countries nationals are eligible
  • Secondary school certificate is mandatory for Bachelors
  • Bachelor degree is mandatory for Masters
  • Masters is mandatory for Doctorate

Required Documents

  • Passport
  • Passport Size Picture
  • Transcript
  • Secondary School Certificate (Intermediate)
  • Degree
  • CV
  • Motivation Letter
  • English Proficiency Certificate
  • Work Experience (if any)
  • Recommendation Letters

Scholarship Coverage

  • Free accomodation
  • Free tution
  • Yearly allowance

Programs Offered 


  1. Aerospace Engineering
  2. Coastal and
  3. Biotecnologie (Biotechnology)
  4. Biotecnologie mediche (Medical Biotechnology)
  5. Chimica (Chemistry)
  6. Design del Prodotto Industriale (Industrial Product Design)
  7. Dietistica (Dietetics)
  8. Economia (Economics)
  9. Filosofia e società contemporanea (Philosophy and Contemporary Society)
  10. Fisica (Physics)
  11. Fisioterapia (Physiotherapy)
  12. Igiene dentale (Dental Hygiene)
  13. Infermieristica (Nursing)
  14. Informatica (Computer Science)
  15. Ingegneria civile e ambientale (Civil and Environmental Engineering)
  16. Ingegneria Elettronica e Informatica (Electronic and Computer Engineering)
  17. Ingegneria meccanica (Mechanical Engineering)
  18. Lettere, arti e archeologia (Letters, Arts, and Archaeology)
  19. Lingue e Letterature Moderne (Modern Languages and Literatures)
  20. Logopedia (Speech Therapy)
  21. Manager degli itinerari culturali (Manager of Cultural Itineraries)
  22. Matematica (Mathematics)
  23. Ortottica ed assistenza oftalmologica (Orthoptics and Ophthalmological Assistance)
  24. Ostetricia (Midwifery)
  25. Scienze Biologiche (Biological Sciences)
  26. Scienze dell’educazione (Educational Sciences)
  27. Scienze e tecnologie della comunicazione (Communication Sciences and Technologies)
  28. Scienze Geologiche (Geological Sciences)
  29. Scienze giuridiche della sicurezza e della prevenzione (Legal Sciences of Security and Prevention)
  30. Scienze motorie (Motor Sciences)
  31. Tecnica della riabilitazione psichiatrica (Psychiatric Rehabilitation Technique)
  32. Tecniche di laboratorio biomedico (Biomedical Laboratory Techniques)
  33. Tecniche di radiologia medica, per immagini e radioterapia (Medical Radiology, Imaging, and Radiotherapy Techniques)
  34. Tecnologie agrarie e gestione sostenibile degli agroecosistemi (Agricultural Technologies and Sustainable Management of Agroecosystems)
  35. Tecnologie per l’industria digitale (Technologies for the Digital Industry)
  36. Marine Biology and Ecology
  37. Communication Engineering and Electronic Technologies
  38. Engineering for Safety of Critical Industrial and Civil Infrastructures
  39. Management Engineering
  40. Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology


  1. Biologia molecolare genomica e biodiversità (Molecular Genomics and Biodiversity)
  2. Biotecnologie Agrarie per la Filiera Agro-Alimentare (Agricultural Biotechnology for the Agri-Food Chain)
  3. Biotecnologie Industriali dei Biofarmaci, Cosmetici e Nutraceutici (Industrial Biotechnology of Bio-Pharmaceuticals, Cosmetics, and Nutraceuticals)
  4. Biotecnologie per la medicina traslazionale (Biotechnology for Translational Medicine)
  5. Economia e Management per la Creazione di Valore (Economics and Management for Value Creation)
  6. Filologie e Letterature medievali e moderne (Philology and Medieval and Modern Literatures)
  7. Formazione, Comunicazione e Cittadinanza Digitale (Training, Communication, and Digital Citizenship)
  8. Green economy and sustainable transitions
  9. Ingegneria Civile (Civil Engineering)
  10. Ingegneria elettronica per l’ICT (Electronic Engineering for ICT)
  11. Ingegneria informatica e dell’automazione (Computer and Automation Engineering)
  12. Ingegneria meccanica (Mechanical Engineering)
  13. Intelligenza artificiale, data science e big data (Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, and Big Data)
  14. Lingue e Letterature Straniere (Foreign Languages and Literatures)
  15. Matematica (Mathematics)
  16. Metodologie e innovazione didattica per le biogeoscienze e per la chimica (Methodologies and Educational Innovation for Biogeosciences and Chemistry)
  17. Physics
  18. Quaternario, Preistoria e Archeologia (Quaternary, Prehistory, and Archaeology)
  19. Scienze Chimiche (Chemical Sciences)
  20. Scienze delle professioni sanitarie tecniche diagnostiche (Sciences of Diagnostic Technical Health Professions)
  21. Scienze e tecniche dell’attività motoria preventiva e adattata (Sciences and Techniques of Preventive and Adapted Motor Activity)
  22. Scienze geologiche, georisorse e territorio (Geological Sciences, Georesources, and Territory)
  23. Scienze infermieristiche e ostetriche (Nursing and Obstetric Sciences)
  24. Scienze riabilitative delle professioni sanitarie (Rehabilitation Sciences of Health Professions)
  25. Small business management in international markets

Programs Offered in English

  1. Green economy and sustainable transitions
  2. Physics
  3. Small business management in international markets

Application Process

Step by step guide on how to apply on University of Ferrara Italy is given below.

Click here to apply online

The video given below provides detailed guidance on filling out the University of Ferrara Application form.

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