Grenoble Alpes University France Application Process 2024

Grenoble Alpes University France Application Process 2024

  • Public research university in Grenoble, France.
  • Third largest university in France.
  • Approximately 60,000 students and over 3,000 researchers.
  • Founded in 1339 as the University of Grenoble by Humbert II of Viennois.
  • Split in 1970 after civil unrest in May 1968.
  • Re-merged in 2016 to restore the original institution with Joseph Fourier University, Pierre Mendès-France University, and Stendhal University.
  • Grenoble Institute of Technology, Grenoble Institute of Political Studies, and Grenoble School of Architecture merged with UGA in 2020.
  • Main campuses: Domaine Universitaire (Saint-Martin-d’Hères and Gières) and Campus GIANT (Grenoble).
  • Additional facilities in Valence, Chambéry, Les Houches, Villar-d’Arêne, Mirabel, Échirolles, and La Tronche.
  • Grenoble is a major scientific center in Europe, hosting various public research institutions.
  • Close collaborations with CNRS and CEA.
  • Grenoble is the largest research center in France after Paris with 22,800 researchers.
  • In 2019, UGA was selected to host one of the four French institutes in artificial intelligence.

University of Burgundy

Eligibility Criteria

  • All nationalities eligible for application.
  • Secondary school certificate required for Bachelor’s degree programs.
  • Bachelor’s degree prerequisite for Master’s degree programs.
  • Completion of Master’s degree necessary for Doctoral programs.

Required Documents

  • English Proficiency Letter
  • Scanned copy of passport or national identity card
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Motivational Letter
  • Letters of recommendation
  • Work Experience (if any)
  • Copy of latest diploma
  • Copy of Latest transcript

Programs Offered in English

  • M1 Molecular and cellular biology
  • M2 Pro2Bio
  • M2 Science trading
  • M2 Physiology, epigenetics, differentiation and cancer
  • M2 Neurosciences, neurobiology
  • M2 Microbiology, infectious diseases, immunology
  • M2 Structural biology of pathogens
  • M1-M2 PLANTA international
  • M1 Chemistry
  • M2 Chemistry for life science
  • M2 Organic synthesis
  • M2 Polymers for advanced technologies
  • M1 Electrical engineering and control systems
  • M1-M2 Electrical engineering for smart grids and buildings
  • M2 Systems, control and information technologies
  • M2 Wireless integrated circuits and systems
  • M2 Computational sciences for electrical engineering
  • M2 Integration, security and trust in embedded systems
  • M1 Applied mechanics
  • M1-M2 Hydraulics and civil engineering
  • M2 Geomechanics, civil engineering and risks
  • M1 Applied mechanics
  • M2 Environmental fluid mechanics
  • M2 Fluid mechanics and energetics
  • M1 Nanophysics – Quantum physics
  • M1 Soft matter and biophysics
  • M1 Data analysis: linking experiments to theory
  • M1-M2 Nanochemistry
  • M2 Nanophysics
  • M2 Quantum information and quantum engineering
  • M2 SoftNano
  • M2 Nanobiotechnologies
  • M2 Nanomedicine and structural biology
  • Engineering degree – Nanotech
  • M2 Science trading
  • M1 Research-intensive track in geosciences
  • M1-M2 Natural geological hazards and risks
  • M1-M2 Geophysics and Earth imaging
  • M1-M2 Earth system sciences
  • M1 Applied mathematics
  • M2 Cybersecurity
  • M2 Operations research, combinatorics and optimisation
  • M2 Master of Science in industrial and applied mathematics
  • Vocational bachelor – Computer network mobility and security
  • M1-M2 Master of science in informatics at Grenoble
  • M1-M2 Communications engineering and data science
  • M2 Cybersecurity
  • M2 Operations research, combinatorics and optimisation
  • M1-M2 Biohealth engineering
  • M2 Artificial intelligence for one health
  • Engineering degree – Biomedical engineering
  • M1-M2 Sustainable industrial engineering
  • M1 Data analysis: linking experiments to theory
  • M1-M2 Engineering of functional materials
  • M1-M2 Materials for nuclear engineering
  • M1-M2 Biorefining and biomaterials
  • Engineering degree – Advanced materials
  • M2 Signal image processing methods and applications
  • M2 Mobile, autonomous and robotic systems
  • State Diploma in Architecture (master’s level) Architecture, ambiences and digital cultures
  • Master 1 – Master 2 Transformative urban studies
  • L1-L2 English-German languages and media
  • Foreign and regional languages, literature and civilisations
  • L1-L2-L3 English
  • Dual bachelor – L1-L2-L3 English / German
  • Dual bachelor – L1-L2-L3 English / Spanish
  • Dual bachelor – L1-L2-L3 English / Italian
  • Dual bachelor – L1-L2-L3 English / Russian
  • M1-M2 English studies
  • Dual master – M1-M2 English-German
  • International business professions
  • Vocational bachelor – Trilingual English-Spanish
  • Vocational bachelor – Customs operations
  • Bachelor – L3 Managerial economics for international markets
  • Bachelor – L3 Management
  • Finance
  • M2 Advances in finance and accounting
  • Information systems management
  • M2 Advanced research in management of information systems
  • Business management and administration
  • M2 Applied corporate management
  • Sales marketing
  • M1-M2 Customer relationship marketing
  • M2 Quantification: research and data intelligence for marketing
  • Political science
  • Undergraduate studies – international course
  • School of political studies degree – International and European studies: European governance

Application Process

Step by step guide on how to apply on Grenoble Alpes University France is given below.

Click here to apply online

For Programs List

The video given below provides detailed guidance on filling out the Grenoble Alpes University France Application form.

Step to step guide is given in this video.


28 June 2024 for most programs. But is different for different programs.

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